Back Pain Expert Durango

Experiencing Lower Back Pain While Sleeping? Here’s Why It Happens!

Lower Back Pain While Sleeping

Lower back pain while sleeping is a frustrating issue that can significantly impact your quality of life. When rest should be a time for your body to recover and rejuvenate, persistent pain can turn sleep into a nightly struggle. As someone who has seen countless cases of lower back pain, I can tell you that … Read more

Back Pain from Rib Injury: Understanding the Pain

back pain from rib injury

Dealing with back pain from rib injury can be a daunting experience. If you’re struggling with this kind of pain, read on for expert advice on how to manage and potentially alleviate your symptoms. Suffering from back pain from rib injury is not only uncomfortable but can significantly hinder your daily activities. Whether caused by … Read more

Understanding Lower Back and Hip Pain: Causes, Prevention, and Treatment


Dealing with lower back and hip pain is an all-too-common experience that can dim the light of life’s daily joys. It’s a discomfort that doesn’t discriminate, touching the lives of many, regardless of age or lifestyle. But amidst the shadow of this discomfort, there’s a beacon of hope. At Tomsic Physical Therapy, we understand the … Read more