Back Pain Expert Durango

Simple Ways To Relieve Lower Back Pain Even If You’ve Suffered For Years (Or Decades)

Simple Ways To Relieve Lower Back Pain Even If You’ve Suffered For Years (Or Decades)

Have you suffered with your chronic back pain for years or even decades?

Tired of suffering in silence with no end in sight?

What if there was a few simple ways to relieve your lower back pain quick and easily?

Well there is and this blog gives you the insight you need to incorporate them into your lifestyle today!

You have already suffered for too long, relieve your lower back pain now.

Chronic Back Pain and Why It’s Here To Stay

Chronic pain can persist for years if left untreated.

One of the most common types of chronic pain is lower back pain, which can be caused by activities like hiking or other outdoor activities that require extra physical effort.

Unfortunately, when it comes to chronic pain, simply resting doesn’t help relieve the symptoms.

Tip #1 – Utilize Cold Therapy

Cold therapy is an effective treatment option for those with chronic back pain. Ice packs are a simple, convenient and cost-effective way to manage back pain day to day without the aid of medications or other more invasive treatments.

Generally speaking, 15 minutes of cold therapy three times a day can provide relief from chronic back pain. It is usually recommended that an ice pack stay on the skin between 30 minutes to one hour max, with periodic breaks in between to allow for circulation.

Ice packs should also not be used directly on the skin; a cloth or towel should always be placed between the skin and the cold source.

Ice packs can be an effective tool in managing chronic back pain.

Cold therapy helps reduce alleviate muscle spasms, helping you stay active and comfortable during your daily life.

5 Tips For Back Pain

Tip #2 – Stretch Regularly

Stretching can help improve flexibility and increase range of motion, which in turn can help relieve pain in the lower back region.

Remember to warm up before stretching to avoid any further injury.

For more information you can check out my previous blog regarding 3 Of The Most Effective Lower Back Pain Stretches.

Tip #3 – Get Outdoors & Stay Active

We are blessed in Durango to be surrounded by stunning environments with plenty of opportunity for adventure and maintaining physical fitness. Whether that’s a hike, biking or swimming.

Engaging in regular physical activity helps increase strength and flexibility, which can help reduce pain in the lower back.

Choose activities that don’t strain your back, such as walking or swimming.

Outdoor activities such as hiking can help reduce back pain by stretching out the muscles and improving circulation. The fresh air and sunshine are also beneficial for your overall well-being, which may help with pain relief.

Tip #4 – Take a Shower or Hot Bath

Simply taking a hot bath or shower can provide back pain relief. The back muscles in your body can be relaxed by alternating between hot and cold water.

Warmth from a hot bath or shower aids in relieving back pain and stiffness.

Heat also increases blood flow, which helps the affected area receive vital nutrients and oxygen. This improved circulation speeds up your recovery and enhances overall muscle health.

As a drug-free method of pain management, taking a hot bath or shower is a popular choice for many people.

Tip #5 – Consider Physical Therapy

Have you tried any of these methods but still struggling with your chronic back pain?

Seeing a physical therapist can help maximize your treatment plan, as we will be able to provide personalized exercises and stretches that are tailored to your individual needs.

Looking for proof of our expertise and knowledge?

Why not download our Free Report on Relieving Lower Back Pain!

This report offers seven tried-and-true methods for reducing back pain at home.

These recommendations were made after years of working one-on-one with thousands of people who had lower back, just like you!

Why endure the pain for any longer?

Get your free report by clicking the link below, then head outside to enjoy our lovely surroundings.

Free Back Pain Report

If you’re looking for a more personalized experience, and skip straight to the most effective option.

Then sign up NOW for our Free Discovery Visit for 1 on 1 time with out expert team of physical therapists!

Free Discovery Visit

This is by far the fasted way to treat your back pain at the root cause, and reducing it for good!

If face to face isn’t your style.

We also offer a Free Telephone Consult. This is all the rewards of personalized advice from a physical therapist all without leaving your home.

Free Telephone Consultation

Additional Free Advice To Reduce Your Back Pain

Our Blog – 3 Of The Most Effective Lower Back Pain Stretches To Give You Relief Soreness And Ease Tight Muscles

Our Blog – How To Sleep With Lower Back Pain Without Buying An Expensive Pillow

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